Dieta dash hipertension pdf

Another diet dashsodium calls for cutting back sodium to 1,500 milligrams a day about 23 teaspoon. Es una dieta especialmente rica en magnesio, calcio, potasio, proteinas y fibra. Dash diet foods for high blood pressure hypertension. As its name implies, the dash dietary approaches to stop hypertension eating plan is designed to help you manage blood pressure. Your guide to lowering your blood pressure with dash.

The dash diet plan was developed to lower blood pressure without medication in research sponsored by the national institutes of health. The dash eating plan the dash eating plan is rich in fruits, vegetables, fatfree or lowfat milk and milk products, whole grains, fish, poultry, beans, seeds, and nuts. Thedashdiet ladietadashesunplandealimentacionque puedebajarsupresionarterial. Esta dieta es rica en fibra y nutrientes importantes.

Siga una dieta saludable en general, rica en productos integrales, frutas y verduras, productos. This booklet, based on the dash research findings, tells how. Approaches to stop hypertension dash eating planand by eating less salt, also called sodium. It focuses on increasing intake of foods rich in nutrients that are expected to lower blood pressure, mainly minerals like potassium, calcium, and magnesium, protein, and. The dash eating plan follows heart healthy guidelines to limit saturated fat and cholesterol. The dash diet is a lifelong approach to healthy eating thats designed to help treat or prevent high blood pressure hypertension.

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